2024 Mission Summary
Los Chiles, Nicaragua

Thank you so much to all who go with us and all who send us! Our field team returned to Nicaragua this year and we were blessed to serve in the community of Los Chiles. This is the largest community we have ever served and our logistics were more challenging that ever.
2024 marks 17 years for me in the mission field. Two years with a team from Sapulpa, OK and then blessed to lead 15 teams as a team captain. This year made it clear that God always has something new to learn even when we have a lot of years behind us. Another way to say this might be that old dogs actually can learn new tricks, when the hand of God is involved.
My eyes were open more than ever this year specifically in the reality of spiritual warfare, the reality of prayer and the depth of “believing”. I have seen a lot in 17 years and it is not trivial or poetic to say I have seen miracles. It is very difficult to explain being a part of the hand of God at work. It is very humbling and does not happen unless we are outside of our own capabilities or comfort zone.
Obstacles started early this year with no shipments getting made, a team member denied access, a van breaking down on the way to the airport, challenging facilities and logistics, and several accidents when were there.
At every turn, I could see problems solved, blessings bestowed and prayers answered.

Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.
- Matthew 10:11
This is how it worked this year. Omar went asking and we had three churches, the health center and other spaces in the community open their doors for us.
While it was a walk through town to traverse facilities, we praise God for His provision.
Pastor Oscar
One of the primary reasons for serving in Los Chiles was to strengthen the local BMDMI church. For a number of reasons the church had only a few members and was not growing. Pastor Oscar had been discouraged in part because a team had been scheduled to serve there in the past but had not and they are in a remote area (almost to Costa Rica) relative to the other BMDMI church to the north.
He was very much encouraged by the presence of our team and having so many people from the community and surrounding areas that he could visit with and invite to church.

The one ministry we did not have a place for upon our arrival was Children's Church. We had a few ideas that did not work out.
It was in an unexpected conversation with Pastor Oscar's niece that we learned she had a space we could use at her house that turned out to be the perfect location for Children's Church!
Stand With Us!
Keep this year and next lifted in prayer. Pray for wisdom and discernment for pastor Oscar and for the growth and strength of his church. Pray for all those who said “yes” to accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for strength, growth and finding the discipleship they will need.
Help build our 2025 financial support base. Click here to donate online – be sure to select the "Missions" fund.
Or, send contributions in any amount to:
Renovation Church
PO Box 263
Mansfield, MO 65704
Attn: Nicaragua Mission Fund

Thank you so much...

It is truly the body of Christ, coming together and working as one, that makes it possible to do what we do. Thank you again to all who have listened to the call and responded in faith to go with us and to send us.
In all of our preparations, in all of our prayers,
we answered the call to be His hands and feet... to serve the beautiful people of Los Chiles and, here is what He accomplished through us:
2,543 medical patients - all clearly heard the Gospel at least twice.
9,939 prescriptions dispensed.
104 dental patients and 110 tooth extractions.
410 cows, 3 horses, 9 dogs and 4 pigs vaccinated by our vet team. At the farms, many people heard and responded to the Gospel.
1,500 hygiene kits, lots of clothing, etc. distributed.
194 cervical cancer screenings, 13 cryotherapy treatments (lives saved!)
4 tons of rice and beans given to families.
1,276 meals served.
706 pairs of eyeglasses dispensed.
422 bibles given.
Pastor Oscar’s Church, completely re-painted and the new roof is being finished locally.
254 professions of faith (eternities saved!).
Watch the 2024 Mission video...