2023 Mission Summary
Israel, Chinandega, Nicaragua

Thank you so much to all who go with us and all who send us! Our field team returned to Nicaragua this year and we were blessed to serve in the village of Israel in the Department of Chinandega not far from the Pacific coast. Some of the more memorable features of this region are active volcanos and, it is really hot :)
It is crazy to think about how many miracles we have seen over the years. As an engineer, I suppose that I see miracles as events happening beyond all reasonable probability (things that just don’t “happen”) or, when hearts are turned around – often times, in response to prayer.
This year was no exception and getting permission to use the school just two days before our arrival was a big one. When we make plans to serve in a given community, we first seek permission from the mayor or other community leader, and the Principal of the school. Our permissions are based on how they feel about what we propose to be doing and this year, the school chose to not give us permission but that changed just before our arrival and I praise God that it did!
We also had several local buildings open their doors for us including sleeping quarters for ladies, for translators and a large community building where we had children’s church.
Someone had a change of heart and the school became available to us, even though classes had been actively in session – they decided to stop school operations for us!

Prayers Work – God Listens!
Thank you for your prayers! Our travel to and from Israel went smoothly and we had more time than usual to get set up because it was just a few hours’ bus ride from the mission home.
After years of distractions and re-routing to Honduras, it felt so good to be back in Nicaragua! I am certainly thankful that we could serve and keep our team momentum going in Honduras. Returning to Nicaragua just felt like going home!
We were able to deploy our standard clinics and ministries. Pastor Santos and his church had also identified a number of homes where people lived who could not make it to the clinic and where we were able to make home visits bringing medical care and the Gospel.
We were blessed to have team members talented in soccer and who made all the plans and preparations to set up a soccer camp near the school.
The kids had a great time and the love of Jesus was shared in a way that really connected with them. Thank you to everyone who planned and supported the soccer camp!

We had children’s church supplies on our inventory of items stored in Nicaragua however no supplies made it to the mission field.
Our children’s church team was flexible, creative and by the grace of God, we had great services and many youth who came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior!
Pray for This Year and Next
This is Pastor Santos holding the decision cards from our team. Each one of these cards holds the name, location and in some cases, a phone number of every person who prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior with our team members this year.
Pray for the continued growth and discipleship of each person and for the growth and strength of Pastor Santos’ church.
Pray for the harvest and for the workers next year – God already knows where we will serve and who will serve. And pray for the team and for hearts ahead of us…

Stand With Us!
You can be part of building and sending the 2024 team starting right now. Here's how:
Sincerely pray about going (July 27 – August 3 2024) and then listen to God.
Start your fundraising and preparations now. All too often we have people who want to go but did not have sufficient time to save, fund-raise or plan the time off. Your have almost a one year head start and time will quickly fly by.
Flip Flops will be on clearance soon! Please go out and get however many you can and save them until after the first of the year to send for family packs.
Help build our 2024 financial support base. Click here to donate online - Community of Grace Church giving site and be sure to select "Nicaragua" when you see the option. Or, send contributions in any amount to:
Community of Grace Church
4343 South Flanders Street
Centennial, CO 80015
Attn: Nicaragua Mission Fund

Thank you so much...
It is truly the body of Christ, coming together and working as one, that makes it possible to do what we do. Thank you again to all who have listened to the call and responded in faith to go with us and to send us.
In all of our preparations, in all of our prayers...
We answered the call to be His hands and feet... to serve the beautiful people of Israel and, here is what He accomplished through us:
2,671 medical patients - all clearly heard the Gospel at least twice.
8,414 prescriptions dispensed.
197 dental patients and 282 tooth extractions.
515 cows, 15 horses, 25 dogs, 2 pigs and 1 racoon vaccinated by our vet team.
Many hygiene kits, clothing, etc. distributed.
81 cervical cancer screenings, 14 cryotherapy treatments (lives saved!)
4+ tons of rice and beans given to families.
1,232 meals served.
706 pairs of eyeglasses dispensed.
500+ bibles given.
A new fence & gates built around Pastor Santos’ home and church (about 5-6 acres).
244 professions of faith (eternities saved!).
Watch the 2023 Mission video...